Advent Devotional December 9: Written by Bill Menger in 1991

Published December 9, 2019 by SMBC

Herod feared the coming of the Christ Child, for it posed a threat to his own earthly power. To counter the threat, Herod ordered the massacre of children in Bethlehem.

Until 1975, I thought today's world was more civilized, but soon learned that satanic forces will use any means to combat the truth of Jesus Christ.

Early in 1975, when it became obvious that Vietnam would fall, a local communist underground leader told the director of a Christian orphanage near Da Nang air base that none of the orphans would be left alive after the overthrow, because they had been exposed to ?this Jesus teaching.?

The director sold land and buildings to buy two small buses. Everyone crowded inside and drove south to a port city where they traded buses for a boat and fuel. The entire group embarked and set course for an offshore island.

The engine failed and the boat drifted hundreds of miles. Outside Singapore they were rescued - reminding us of the story of Moses multiplied a hundredfold. Every child came through this journey safely, along with the orphanage staff and their families. An older teenage boy visiting his grandmother, a cook at the orphanage, also came with the group. All were flown to the United States.

The engine failure turned out to be a blessing, since the islands and mainland were both taken over.

Charlotte and I received a most precious gift as an outcome of the miraculous rescue of these orphans. Our daughter, Marie, now a married young woman in training to be a nurse, was an eight year old on that boat off Singapore in 1975. She joined our family early in 1976.

Pray that God will open new doors of understanding around the world.