Houston Churches Provide an Amazing Place for People with Dementia

Published November 5, 2019 by SMBC

As reported in the Houston Chronicle, October 24, 2019

Ending the stigma of dementia is what drives Amazing Place, a nonprofit run by a consortium of churches. And the importance of this goal is only growing, executive director Tracey Brown said. Already, one out of three individuals over the age of 85 has dementia, and there are 5.7 million people living with Alzheimer's in the U.S.

"In 2031, the first Baby Boomers turn 85," she said. "And one out of three is frightening. It's called a tsunami, the impact of dementia on everything, and it reaches multiple generations."

Dementia cannot be healed or stopped—but Amazing Place aims to change the trajectory of the diagnosis.

"This is a scary journey," Brown said. "We're often times the first place people come after the doctor to seek support."

Amazing Place has developed a multi-pronged strategy and a wide range of ways to empower those diagnosed, their health care providers and their caregivers, as well as their family and friends.

Read more here.