Making My List

Published March 30, 2020 by Anne Tülek

Are you a list-maker? I am. I work on lists daily. Long term goals. Short term goals. Daily and weekly to-do's. Pro/Con lists. Cost/Benefit lists. Lists of calls to return. Things I'm grateful for. Books I want to read. Notes I need to write. It's quite a list of lists.

As I attempt to absorb God's lessons about forgiveness, I think of how my mom modeled it for me. Here's that list: The woman who unfriended her because she had too many children. The boss who verbally abused her. The sister who resented that mom took her place as the youngest child.

Mom prayed for them, each and every one. She prayed for them and asked for hearts to be changed. For understanding to develop. For bridges to be built. And for her own heart to heal so she could forgive them the hurt they caused her. As time passed, I saw all of those relationships improve. Mom even ministered to the abusive boss, who it turns out, was a single mom of a developmentally challenged child, and who had no support system of any kind (until Mom helped her build one).

We've all been hurt by someone. My mom's example causes me to wonder: Could we make a list of those who have hurt us and begin to pray for them? Would God help us forgive them? This Lenten season is certainly a good time for a list like that. I'll go make mine now.