When Not to Worry

Published May 19, 2020 by SMBC

I've always been a worrier. My parents worried something bad might happen to me every time I left the house. I worried they might be right. I worried what my peers and others thought about me. Did I say or do the wrong thing? Looking back, I spent a lot of my youth worrying. As an adult, I've channeled worrying into a desire to be prepared for any possibility. But I've come to realize it's not possible to plan for every little thing that can go wrong and it definitely won't keep the worst from happening.

When I had children of my own, I began to understand why my parents thought tragedy was waiting around every corner. A febrile seizure in a 2-year-old is probably the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced. The first time my kids drove downtown to church alone had me pacing the floor. And then there was the time I held on tight to my 10-year-old son's belt loops every time he wanted to look over the edge at the Grand Canyon. (I suspect that was actually a good time to worry, so perhaps I can be forgiven for that one!) Worry is emotionally paralyzing. It physically hurts. This is not something I want to control me.

I still struggle with worry, but I've learned to trust that God has a plan for me and He has given me all I need to get through the day, no matter what happens. If I spend all my time worrying something bad will happen, I might miss the good that does happen. Each day is a new opportunity to find the beauty in His creation and another chance to make a difference in His world.

I have a prayer box necklace and inside is a piece of paper that says Matthew 6:34. They are words that have brought me peace and ones I still find great comfort in today; ?Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.?

He is in control and He loves us.

Jeannie Chambers